A preference for boys over girls

No observer of India can avoid noting that India lives simultaneously in several centuries: the modern and the ancient jostle for space, the highly technically qualified mix with the illiterate, the filthy rich live cheek by jowl with the abjectly poor. It is all chaotic and thoroughly confusing. Like in many other countries, contradictions run wide and deep in India. Indians worship powerful goddesses but the status of women is generally deplorable and girl children are frequently neglected and even severely abused. Continue reading “A preference for boys over girls”

India should try freedom for a change

Not sure if that would appeal to the masses but perhaps they may like being free. Perhaps they should think of how to break free of their serfdom.


Happy “Independence” Day, India.

“This Page Intentionally Left Blank by the Government of India””

I don’t know what zone-h.org is. Someone pointed me to the site saying that he could not access it from India and believes that the government of India has banned it. He said that he has “heard (from a reliable source) a rumour that the Government of India has a fairly regular habit of issuing fiats to ISPs to block various websites that it feels are objectionable for some reason.”
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The Urbanization Imperative

In the February 2010 issue of Pragati I argue why India needs new livable, sustainable and well-managed cities. The text of the article appears below, for the record.
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